
Forever Homes

This is an update on a scared dog who did not want to be touched.  He was transferred to Shaggy Dog Rescue and now lives a life of PURE happiness with his BFF Maisie! His name is Izzy now and he lives in the East Coast. 

Here’s a picture of Izzy/Thurmont & Maisie on one of their many walks! They have settled in so nicely. We just love ‘Em! They are so different but they complement each other. He’ll jump in our laps and kiss us like crazy – he’s just adorable. And Miss Maisie is as sweet as can be – she is so well behaved – if I say Stay – she stays and doesn’t budge. They both sleep on our bed and don’t get up till we get up. If I’m in the bathroom – they sit outside the door!









Meet Mr. Snickers! As you can see from his before and after pictures Snickers was saved when he was adopted by a very loving family. Its truly touching when you see that there are special people out there who have so much love in their hearts to take on the medical treatments dogs like Snickers need. He will forever be grateful, I am sure of it!


Snickers_Original Picture


7-6-2014 Snickers 004
7-6-2014 Snickers 006

We received this great update from Katie about her two kittens she adopted from BARC in 2011. We love to see our furry friends in their loving homes!

Jiff and Skunkers

Here are some other pictures we recently received from BARC Adopters of their happy pets! Keep them coming!

Both BARC dogs. =)

Both BARC dogs. =)

Ms Sweets

Soundly resting.

Soundly resting.

Jay sent this into us of his new baby and beloved BARC dog!

Jay sent this into us of his new baby and beloved BARC dog!

Ms Diamond (in the ruff)

Tonks living the good life!

Tonks living the good life!

Categories: Adoptions

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